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Showing posts from June, 2017

How to Save Long Distance Relationships

Like every coin has two sides,   long distance relationships too have their pros and cons . Pros of being in a long distance relationship They have their advantages such as they provide an individual with some space and plenty of time to focus on other things like family, goals etc. They provide an individual the strength to keep going. Trust me, there is nothing more beautiful than those  late night phone conversations  in which people imagine being near each other. Cons of being in a long distance relationship Sometimes the craving to meet each other supersedes every other emotion. Even love! Sometimes it gets frustrating doing everything on phone, messengers and video chats. You miss the physical presence. Sometimes there are hell lot of insecurities as people aren’t able to be together 24*7 and it leads to situations like “He didn’t pick my phone. Is he busy with that  hot girl from college  he talked about?” “ Her phone is busy at night . Is there  someone else in her life ?” “ Is